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Prof Saths Cooper delivers the Steve Biko Public Lecture
Steve Biko lecture Prof Saths Cooper 1
Reflecting on the 12th Steve Biko Lecture with Prof. Saths Cooper
Unpacking the life of Steve Bantu Biko with Prof Saths Cooper and Mathatha Tsedu
Discussion | Significance of Steve Biko's legacy: Saths Cooper, Somadoda Fikeni and Mathatha Tsedu
Steve Biko remembered
Reflecting on Youth Day with Pan-African Psychology Union Professor Saths Cooper
President Ramaphosa delivers the Steve Biko Lecture
19th Annual Steve Biko Memorial Lecture
Prof Cooper says more needs to be done to transform Corporate SA
20th Annual Steve Biko Memorial Lecture I US activist Rev. Al Sharpton to deliver the lecture
Decoloniality and the Black Conscious Psychology of Steve Bantu Biko in Lecture and Therapy Rooms.